
Diet, smoking and activities that cause eyestrain can contribute to Dry Eye symptoms.

Poor Blinking

Firm blinking activates the meibomian glands (oil glands) as well as the lacrimal gland (water gland). A low blink rate or incomplete blinking can cause Dry Eye symptoms and Meibomian Gland Disease (MGD).

Contact Lens Wear

The presence of a contact lens on the eye disrupts the tear film and can cause an increase in progression of MGD and aggravate Dry Eye symptoms.

Reading/Watching TV

Reading or watching TV for long continuous periods of time can interfere with a healthy blink rate. In the presence of MGD, the Dry Eye symptoms can increase.

Climate and Environment

Windy, dry, smoky and smoggy environments increase Dry Eye symptoms for those with MGD. Air-conditioning or dry heat can aggravate symptoms indoors.

Eye Surgery

Eye surgery, such as Lasik, can compromise the surface of the eye and cause Dry Eye symptoms. If there is untreated MGD, the eye surface can be further compromised.

Computer/Device Use

Computers and digital devices cause a lower blink rate. This interferes with the activation of the meibomian (oil) glands and can lead to permanent damage to the gland structure.

Glaucoma and Medications

Over 40% of patients with Glaucoma have Dry Eye symptoms. Certain glaucoma medications can disrupt the tear film and worsen Dry Eye symptoms and make MGD worse.